Month: May 2020
Re-Opening After COVID-19 Outbreak
3 Min read
22nd May 2020
First of all…
We hope this message finds you and your families well. Our hearts go out to anyone who has been impacted by the virus, either directly or indirectly. Our thoughts are especially with those who are sick, to whom we extend our heartfelt wishes for a full recovery. We’re truly inspired by the selfless key workers who have been working tirelessly to keep all of us safe.
At Worcester & Stratford Hearing Centres, we are focused on the health and safety of our employees, families and communities. We have put extra measures in place to keep all of our staff and customers safe and healthy, in line with professional bodies and government guidance.
Appointments available now for existing patients
From Monday 1st June, we will be offering appointments to new patients.
Also, we will be contacting all of our customers who have missed appointments during the lockdown to reschedule.
We are following strict infection control procedures and social distancing methods as indicated by the NHS, BSHAA and BAA guidelines; for appointments, sanitisation and sterilisation.
Guidelines for attending appointments
By accepting your appointment you have agreed to the best of your knowledge:
• You or anyone in your household does not have COVID-19.
• You or anyone in your household has had contact with anyone who has tested positive or shown symptoms of COVID-19.
• You do not have a new, continuous cough.
• You do not have a high temperature (37.8 oC or over).
• No one in your household has a new, continuous cough or a high temperature.
By providing this information at the time of our call, we have agreed to provide you with an appointment. If we suspect that this information is not a true reflection of your condition, we reserve the right to refuse the appointment for your safety and ours.
What we ask you to do:
• Arrive at the allotted and agreed time not early & certainly not late. If early, wait outside until you are called into the clinic.
• If you depend on a supportive contact for transport to the practice we ask them to wait outside for you to finish. Unless required for assistance due to disability.
• The temperature of the customer will be taken on arrival, when filling out COVID-19 declaration.
• Once on the premises please refrain from touching anything unnecessarily.
• You will be given hand sanitiser to thoroughly clean your hands. We ask you to bring a face mask, if you do not have one we will provide one but there will be a £1 charge.
• If for some reason, you need to cough, or sneeze, warn the audiologist immediately or put your mouth into your sleeve if a warning is not possible.
• Follow the instructions of the audiologist and please indicate if you do not understand anything.
• Keep light conversation to a minimum during the appointment unless its related to the procedure particularly if you are within 2m of the audiologist
• When leaving please sanitise your hands again & refrain from touching anything where possible.
We have prepared for re-opening
Both of our practices have undergone a deep clean sanitisation procedure as a precautionary measure.
We have sanitised our carpets and all surfaces, focusing on touch points including equipment, furniture, desks, computers, doors, floors, kitchens and toilets.
We have teamed up with Dynamic Cleaning Services, another local business, for this endeavour.
We have been here to help our customers as best as we can
During periods of social distancing and isolation, having working hearing aids is essential to keep users communicating with family and friends and keeping up to date via the TV and radio.
Even though we haven’t been able to offer face-to-face consultations during this difficult time, we have been supporting our customers, in both Worcester and Stratford, with telephone consultations, hearing aid repairs and providing battery supplies.
You can contact your nearest branch if you need
to book an appointment or if you have any queries.
We are here for you.
Tom Dixon Director of Audiology
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