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WSHearing Coronavirus Communication

2 Min read

16th Mar 2020

Worcester & Stratford Hearing Centres


During the recent outbreak of COVID-19 Coronavirus, we have been following UK government guidelines and working with the rolling advice from the public health authorities. In line with these guidelines, we have increased our focus on excellent infection prevention and control in all aspects of our care.


We have maintained a close oversight of the guidance issued by Public Health England and the NHS and have aligned our position with this. We have included below a few important links to some of the key aspects of this guidance.


If you are attending our practice, here are some points to keep in mind:

If you have lived with or had close contact (within 2 meters for 15 minutes or more) with a confirmed case of COVID-19, you should contact NHS 111 for further advice, and not attend your appointment.


Preventing spread of infection:

There are general principles we can all follow to help prevent the spread of respiratory viruses, we will be doing the following:

  • Regular hand washing – with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
  • Using an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol if soap and water are not available.
  • Avoid touching eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands
  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick
  • Covering our cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in a bin.
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces in the work environment


Your health and safety come first and we, as ever will put our customer at the forefront of our business decisions. We fully respect the decision of any of our customers who wish to reschedule their appointments. Please contact your preferred branch.



Call 01905 617803 or e-mail us at worcester@wshearing.co.uk



Call 01789264111 or e-mail us at stratford@wshearing.co.uk


We will be closely monitoring the status of government guidelines and will update you accordingly should there be any immediate changes to the running of our practice during this difficult period. We will maintain our normal opening times; Monday to Friday 09.00am to 5.00pm


Appendix: key elements of public health guidance


• Coronavirus (COVID-19): latest information and advice

• COVID-19: specified countries and areas

• COVID-19: background information

• COVID-19: investigation and initial clinical management of possible cases

• COVID-19: self-isolation for patients undergoing testing

• COVID-19: infection prevention and control

• COVID-19: guidance to assist professionals in advising the general public

Request an Appointment
Tom Dixon

Tom Dixon Director of Audiology

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Not sure where to begin?

Try our new hearing helper

If you are not sure where to begin with solving your hearing problems we have put together a few questions to help us tailor our support to your needs and guide you to the right place for information that might help.

Do you suffer from hearing loss?

Do you think your issue could be related to a build-up of ear wax?

From the information you have given, you may need Ear Wax removal treatment. An audiologist can asses your situation at your appointment and perform the treatment required. If no wax is present the audiologist will advise you accordingly.

Do the people around you seem to mumble and not speak clearly?

Do you tend to go out less because it is hard for you to follow other people's conversations?

Has anyone ever told you that they often have to repeat things to you?

Is it difficult for you to follow other people's conversations in noisy environments, for example, in restaurants?

Do you find yourself having to turn up the television or radio to hear speech better?

Based on your answers so far, it looks like you might be experiencing hearing loss

Do you currently wear hearing aids?

In order to provide you with the bespoke care we offer to all of our customers, we need to know where you are in your journey to better hearing.

Choose the option that best describes your concern with your hearing

Based on your answers, we will be able to help you on your journey to better hearing

Fill out the details below and we'll be in touch to arrange your appointment.

Thank you, we aim to contact you on the same day as your enquiry

Until we speak with you, from the information you have provided, the following pages may help:

Request Appointment

Call us to make an appointment on 01905 617803 (Worcester) or 01789 264111 (Stratford-upon-Avon) or complete the form below.

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