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Important COVID-19 Update About Our Practice

2 Min read

22nd Jul 2021

Dear Loyal Customers,


As you know, at Worcester & Stratford Hearing Centres we have always been focused on the health and safety of our patients and our team and now is no different. We will continue with our COVID-19 protocol and safety measures past the 19th of July, even though restrictions are changing in social settings.
We are considering our governments guidance and the concerns from our patients and the members of our team, specially those who are vulnerable.

Therefore, we ask all of our patients to respect our decision and continue to follow our COVID-19 safety measures in our practices. Please rest assured that every procedure we have put in place has safety and peace of mind at its very core.

We will be constantly educated and informed by our governing bodies’ facts, figures and protocols; by listening to our patients and our team. We will inform you when changes to your patient journey take place as we navigate these uncertain times.

Meanwhile, we kindly ask you to wear your face masks while you are in our practices, our COVID-19 assessments will take place before your appointments and restrictions on attendance will be in place if you have travelled abroad.
The whole team at Worcester & Stratford Hearing Centres thank you for your continued cooperation with our safety measures, your customer loyalty and your caring response to all we do.

All our very best,

Tom, Victoria & the team at Worcester & Stratford Hearing Centres


Please remember to bring a mask to your appointment

On Thursday 15th July England’s Chief Nursing Officer Ruth May clarified that:

“Face coverings and social distancing measures will remain in place across healthcare settings so that the most vulnerable people can continue to safely attend hospital, their GP surgery, pharmacy or any other healthcare settings for advice, care and treatment.”



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Tom Dixon

Tom Dixon Director of Audiology

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We Are Here For You

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3rd Nov 2020

We Are Here For You

Dear Loyal Customers,

We just wanted to address our customer base after the announcement made by the Prime Minister on Saturday evening. We are officially on the list of essential services, will not be closing down this time and will continue to offer our full range of services. Ear wax removal, hearing tests, hearing aid fittings, hearing aid servicing and repairs will all still be carried out during this time with the COVID-19 safety measures and PPE worn at all times. The government have recognised the need for people to be able to access hearing and vision services and have actually encouraged people to attend their health care and medical appointments. We have the same best practice safety measures and full PPE in place we have had since we reopened in June, which have been responsibly adhered to by all our customers since we reopened.

All appointments are being carried out as planned. If anyone would like to postpone their appointment until 2021 then we would ask that you contact us as soon as possible as we are trying to accommodate customers as best we can into the diary for next year.

Unfortunately due to this recent development and the continued uncertainty around the pandemic we are not going to be able to go through with our intended move to our new practice. So, on a positive note we will be staying in our current location in Worcester city centre. We are going to look at making best use of the current space and reconfiguring things around to create and extra consulting room and give us a little more space upstairs.

This is going to be a very difficult time for many people and businesses, again. We thank you for your continued support and want to reassure you all that we are here if you need us. It is important to remain positive in this challenging time. The Virus will not beat us! Regardless of how the situation evolves we will endeavour to look after our loyal, valued customers.

Stay safe and very best wishes,

Tom & Victoria


The team at Worcester & Stratford Hearing Centres

Request an Appointment
Tom Dixon

Tom Dixon Director of Audiology

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Re-Opening After COVID-19 Outbreak

3 Min read

22nd May 2020


We are open

First of all…

We hope this message finds you and your families well. Our hearts go out to anyone who has been impacted by the virus, either directly or indirectly. Our thoughts are especially with those who are sick, to whom we extend our heartfelt wishes for a full recovery. We’re truly inspired by the selfless key workers who have been working tirelessly to keep all of us safe.

At Worcester & Stratford Hearing Centres, we are focused on the health and safety of our employees, families and communities. We have put extra measures in place to keep all of our staff and customers safe and healthy, in line with professional bodies and government guidance.


The team at Worcester & Stratford Hearing Centres


Appointments available now for existing patients

From Monday 1st June, we will be offering appointments to new patients.
Also, we will be contacting all of our customers who have missed appointments during the lockdown to reschedule.

We are following strict infection control procedures and social distancing methods as indicated by the NHS, BSHAA and BAA guidelines; for appointments, sanitisation and sterilisation.


Guidelines for attending appointments

By accepting your appointment you have agreed to the best of your knowledge:

•  You or anyone in your household does not have COVID-19.
•  You or anyone in your household has had contact with anyone who has tested positive or shown symptoms of COVID-19.
•  You do not have a new, continuous cough.
•  You do not have a high temperature (37.8 oC or over).
•  No one in your household has a new, continuous cough or a high temperature.

By providing this information at the time of our call, we have agreed to provide you with an appointment. If we suspect that this information is not a true reflection of your condition, we reserve the right to refuse the appointment for your safety and ours.

What we ask you to do:

•  Arrive at the allotted and agreed time not early & certainly not late. If early, wait outside until you are called into the clinic.
•  If you depend on a supportive contact for transport to the practice we ask them to wait outside for you to finish. Unless required for assistance due to disability.
•  The temperature of the customer will be taken on arrival, when filling out COVID-19 declaration.
•  Once on the premises please refrain from touching anything unnecessarily.
•  You will be given hand sanitiser to thoroughly clean your hands. We ask you to bring a face mask, if you do not have one we will provide one but there will be a £1 charge.
•  If for some reason, you need to cough, or sneeze, warn the audiologist immediately or put your mouth into your sleeve if a warning is not possible.
•  Follow the instructions of the audiologist and please indicate if you do not understand anything.
•  Keep light conversation to a minimum during the appointment unless its related to the procedure particularly if you are within 2m of the audiologist
•  When leaving please sanitise your hands again & refrain from touching anything where possible.


We have prepared for re-opening

Both of our practices have undergone a deep clean sanitisation procedure as a precautionary measure.

We have sanitised our carpets and all surfaces, focusing on touch points including equipment, furniture, desks, computers, doors, floors, kitchens and toilets.

We have teamed up with Dynamic Cleaning Services, another local business, for this endeavour.

Practice Sanitization


We have been here to help our customers as best as we can

During periods of social distancing and isolation, having working hearing aids is essential to keep users communicating with family and friends and keeping up to date via the TV and radio.

Even though we haven’t been able to offer face-to-face consultations during this difficult time, we have been supporting our customers, in both Worcester and Stratford, with telephone consultations, hearing aid repairs and providing battery supplies.


You can contact your nearest branch if you need
to book an appointment or if you have any queries. 

We are here for you.

Request an Appointment
Tom Dixon

Tom Dixon Director of Audiology

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Sounds of Spring Open Week

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11th Feb 2020

Sounds of Spring Open Week
Enjoy the sounds of spring


Reconnect with nature and enjoy its sounds during this beautiful time of year.

Birds singing, leaves rustling through the blossoming trees, buzzing bees flying around from one flower to another, a flowing stream and even spring showers are a few of the wonderful sounds you could be missing this season.

Spring into action

It’s all too easy to miss out on natures subtle sounds if you are experiencing hearing loss.

In addition to being able to hear the sounds of nature, our bespoke hearing solutions will allow you to experience clarity in speech.

So you can enjoy a gathering in the garden or a walk along the river with your loved ones.


Contact us to book one of our 100 FREE hearing assessments available HERE.

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Tom Dixon

Tom Dixon Director of Audiology

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How long and when should you wear your hearing aids?

2 Min read

7th Apr 2015

Simple Question, Not A Simple Answer

It is a question we get asked quite a bit, it seems a simple one, but as with many things, there is not a simple answer. Let me explain.

New Users of Hearing Aids

When you are a new user of hearing aids we advise that you slowly ease yourself into wearing your hearing aids. You have probably had a hearing loss for many years and wearing hearing aids brings back all of the sound that you have been missing. Some people find it exhilirating and don’t mind the change, others can find it a bit too much.

A Staged Approach

We advise a staged approach, wearing the hearing aids for a few hours at a time and building up to wearing them all of the time over a two week period. This approach allows you to slowly ease yourself back into the world.

Why You Should Wear Them All The Time

There is a strong argument that you should wear your hearing aids all of the time once you have become used to them. In order to complete your auditory rehabilitation you really need to wear the hearing aids as much as possible. In essence the brain becomes better at sound perception the more it is delivered sound. However, it really is your choice, you can make the decisions and really, you should be in the driving seat.

You make the decisions, you are in the driving seat

Beyond The Newbie

Beyond the early stages of amplification there are times that you should consider when you wear your hearing aids. We know several customers that have what they call a deaf day. A day where they don’t use their hearing aids for a long period of time or perhaps at all. Normally it is a day where they are on their own and expect no visitors. They simply like to have a day of quiet or near quiet. So if you fancy just getting away from the world and relaxing, feel free to remove your hearing aids and chill out.

In The Shower

Please god not in the shower, unless of course the aids are water proof or designed to be immersed in water. For instance a lot of the new Phonak Venture hearing aids are okay to immerse in water of up to three foot for a limited amounts of time. So if you jump in the shower and forget to take them off, you don’t really have to worry. Don’t shower or swim with your hearing aids unless you know they are suitable

Sweating A Lot?

Again, if you are exercising or sweating a lot you should consider taking your hearing aids out. Although as with the shower and swimming if your hearing aids are designed to manage then you have no need to worry. Matt Gilbert, who is one of our customers, wears his hearing aids while playing rugby for Worcester Warriors. In fact his hearing loss is such that he needs his hearing aids to hear anything. So the answer here is if your hearing aids are designed for it, no worries, if they aren’t just make sure that you be sensible.

If you have any questions about the Phonak Naida range or you would like to experience the difference, call us on 01905 617803 or book your appointment online now.

Request an Appointment
Tom Dixon

Tom Dixon Director of Audiology

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You can now take your free hearing test online

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7th Apr 2015

We have partnered with an Irish company to offer an online hearing test. The company Ctone provides a cloud based hearing test service that can be used across websites. The hearing test takes a couple of minutes and will give quite accurate indications of your hearing based on your responses.

Simple Sound Test

The test is pretty accurate, but it is no replacement for a full and comprehensive hearing test. However, if you are worried about your hearing it is a quick and easy place to start. We believe that any tool that helps to raise awareness and allow people to begin to understand their hearing is a good tool. We hope you enjoy it and find it useful. You can use the test at the following link.

If you have any questions about the hearing test, hearing aids or any other hearing care, please don’t hesitate to contact us


Request an Appointment
Tom Dixon

Tom Dixon Director of Audiology

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Your guide to hearing aids

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7th Apr 2015

We know that when you are choosing hearing aids that you are making an important long-term decision. It is a major investment that you would like to get right. There are many technical details and a lot of technical language around hearing aids. For the uninitiated it can be difficult to penetrate, we do our best to explain the details in the clearest possible language avoiding as much as possible the techno jargon.

We thought it would be a good idea to make an easy reference hearing aid guide for our customers and for others looking for information. So today we are launching the Worcester Hearing Centre Hearing Aid Guide. it will detail:

  • The different types of hearing aids
  • The different technology levels of hearing aids
  • The different hearing aid features

We hope you find it useful, it is a free download, so just click on the image below and a pdf will open in a new window. You can save it from there and use it on any device. Feel free to share it around if you wish.

The Hearing Aid Guide

Hearing Aid Guide

Request an Appointment
Tom Dixon

Tom Dixon Director of Audiology

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Not sure where to begin?

Try our new hearing helper

If you are not sure where to begin with solving your hearing problems we have put together a few questions to help us tailor our support to your needs and guide you to the right place for information that might help.

Do you suffer from hearing loss?

Do you think your issue could be related to a build-up of ear wax?

From the information you have given, you may need Ear Wax removal treatment. An audiologist can asses your situation at your appointment and perform the treatment required. If no wax is present the audiologist will advise you accordingly.

Do the people around you seem to mumble and not speak clearly?

Do you tend to go out less because it is hard for you to follow other people's conversations?

Has anyone ever told you that they often have to repeat things to you?

Is it difficult for you to follow other people's conversations in noisy environments, for example, in restaurants?

Do you find yourself having to turn up the television or radio to hear speech better?

Based on your answers so far, it looks like you might be experiencing hearing loss

Do you currently wear hearing aids?

In order to provide you with the bespoke care we offer to all of our customers, we need to know where you are in your journey to better hearing.

Choose the option that best describes your concern with your hearing

Based on your answers, we will be able to help you on your journey to better hearing

Fill out the details below and we'll be in touch to arrange your appointment.

Thank you, we aim to contact you on the same day as your enquiry

Until we speak with you, from the information you have provided, the following pages may help:

Request Appointment

Call us to make an appointment on 01905 617803 (Worcester) or 01789 264111 (Stratford-upon-Avon) or complete the form below.

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